I own a Sapphire Tri-X R9-290. on that note I'm considering a 750ti or a GTX 960 and an Nvidia shield for Game-stream and to have a little emulation handheld.
Mostly to kill boredom when i'm not at home, or to be honest, i have massive breaks in college and it's a pain in the ass waiting for my next class.
My questions are, these below,
When, PC games are being streamed to the Shield, does it stream 1080p content? or it lowers the resolution to 720P so it can scale on the shield? and to side note, what would make sense to own for this type of gaming a 750ti or a 960? i still play heavily modded skyrim, and which one of these gpus makes sense to stream on the shield?
Will having Nvidia Drivers, and AMD drivers at the same time mess with each other on the desktop?
it's something I'm considering, I'm still thinking about this, cause Nvidia Game-Streaming is very appealing to me, but my preference is truly AMD on the GPU side, i don't like the baloney Nvidia likes to pull, ESPECIALLY as of late with the 970, game-works and G-sync proprietary non-sense.
Better have some stable internet. I found that even doing in home streaming via steam (desktop to laptop) on AC wireless was very weird. Latency could be an issue also. But if you got it to work well I would be interested on how exactly you did it.
i have fairly decent internet. i can use Valve's In-Home-Streaming and that works fairly well streaming to my Dell Venue 8 Pro. but Nvidia Game-Stream is something i am considering, i haven't tried this method or bought the shield or GPU yet, to see if it's actually works.
I own the shield tablet and i've been mostly using it with GRID streaming so far but i've dabbed into streaming from my 780 every now and then aswell anyway you will need at the very least 15mbits upload from your pc's internet connection to drive 720p streaming outside your home network. Nvidia did patch in the option to stream 1080p 60fps into the shield hub now aswell but that will require even more upload if you are planning to stream outside your home network.
You will also need a vpn to access your LAN from outside before you can stream from your pc to the shield.