When Overclocking, Connect your Case's "Reset" button to your Motherboards "Clear CMOS" Jumper. That way, if you fuck up, you won't have to open your case/remove the Cmos battery or whatnot.
You screw up? Hit the reset button. Litterally reset EVERYTHING.
Also: Only trust GigabusterEXE half of the time
Nice one.
Tho I want to know more about the GigabusterEXE part.
Half of his ideas are genius. The other half blow things up.
It's hard sorting through them.
when he tells you to wire a block of C4 on to the power swich, it blows things up... learned that the hard way...
Well, this is a neat idea. I've never had a good reason to use the reset switch, but I think I just found it. :D
Gigabuster helped me overclock, so far it doesnt seem like the computer is gonna blow up. Unless ive been fooled : O
I just reach around and press my clear CMOS button.
Not all of us can give our PCs the reacharound :(
hey, you better make sure that PC is of legal age, and concents
August 22, 2013, 3:19am
Might have to give this a try since my new gpu covers up cmos. Would make boot loops less annoying.