I am building a pc and I wanted to know what graphics I would be pulling in and if there are any changes I need to make to the build.
What do you plan on using it for if it is only for 1080p gaming it is total over kill.
But if you plan on using it for workstation stuff it looks good.
I Agee withonly 16gb of ram for right now since there will be 16gb sticks coming next year so that would be the up grade route I recommend.
o.o What will I get out of it? 1440p?
Yes it will push 1440p ... but for gaming I would recommend staying with the Z97 platform and an i5 CPU ... this would be much cheaper and better gaming performance.
Also ... if you do go ahead with the X99 build .... I would recommend a Noctua D15 or a Dark Rock Pro or the big Silver Arrow CPU cooler to cool the 6 core CPU especially if you plan on OC'ing it.
So low end 1440 then? And why the change in cooler? (I am kind of new to this so I would really like the most information possible.)
What are you planning on building ? a gamer or a workstation? or a combo?
you should change the cooler because that cooler will struggle to cool 6 cores, at 3ghz, i suguest a watercooling system, but thats just personal preference, i dont believe your rig is overkill, as in the long run a pc that others call "overkill" is better as it can adapt to future specs. also my opinion, although watercooling is more effective than air cooling and a custom loop has more potential than a set loop, and although watercooling is more expensive (especially cutom watercooling loops) it is more efficient and an "overkill" watercooler can run steady and quiet whilst retaining cooling capacity. also noctua is one of the best brands for cooling, along with koolance, alphacool, ek, phobya, xspc, coolermaster and others...
I do agree. OP has a nice CPU and motherboard - spend a little bit more on the CPU cooler. Something like one of the larger noctuas would do nicely.
A gaming pc that streams, but nothing insane.
Thanks :D
I can't decide what cooler to go with. Doesn't help that I don't know much about them, if you dont mind adding one to the list, that would help loads. :D
However, since you're only gaming and streaming, I HIGHLY suggest you stick to the mainstream Z97 platform. Going to LGA2011-3 is really only beneficial to those who do lots of video editing and intensive workstation tasks.
So here it is, I might get into that I mean I play A LOT of games and so if I ever decide to do that as a hobby, better to not be without. :D Plus I have like 500+ more to spend so it doesn't hurt to over reach a bit because I will still be fine in my new budget.
P.S. I really want a White/Blue color going on. :D
I went to bed right after posting this, after ragging from a LoL round that was completely thrown. Was not my best moment and I apologize to everyone.
Here is the perma-link
That SSD is quite spendy and very,very slow ......... Max Read: up to 280 MB/s, Max Write: up to 270 MB/s, Sustained Write: up to 250 MB/s, 4k Random Write (Aligned): 50,000 IOPS .... the only upside is it supports ECC.
And that Seagate SV35.5 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM hard drive is suitable for 24x7 video surveillance systems only not good for data storage at all.
I would recommend a Hitachi deskstar 2TB ... they are the most reliable ... the WD blacks have a 5 year warranty and WD blues only go up to 1TB but out perform the blacks for under $50 each ... you could use use 3 in raid-10 for redundancy and a decent speed boost.
this would be a much better PSU for the same price (ATM) ... SeaSonic 1050W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply .... $119
Everything else looks very solid and capable +1
Okay guys, one last time and then I am ordering the parts, please take a look at it, feel free to tweak it. http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Draticus/saved/7MWKHx
Also if you guys think I should get some more fans and such please add them to the list of parts, I have the power and the budget for more, and I would rather be safe than sorry.
And a special thanks to all of you who helped me with this, I will be sure to post pictures of the complete build when it is done and running. <3 You guys are awesome and have helped a lot to make this easy for me as my first build.
the perma link not url please
I copied and pasted that from the perma tab... gg http://pcpartpicker.com/p/KZwmWZ
that my friend is a beast ... nice build +! .......... maybe a better faster monitor but you may need the perfect color reproduction ... buy it while it's on sale and post pics when you get it together ... I'm kinda jealous ;?