Hello Logan, Wendell, Quain, and anyone else who appears on inbox. I am thirteen and would love to go into computer programming when we get older. I would especially like to here from Wendell because I know he started at a young age. What are the different types of jobs, do I need to go to collage, if so what degrees?. I've done some studying but my computer has stopped working recently and it was very old (about 2008-2009) so its been hard to practice. I have enough money to buy a raspberry pi so I am going to try to program python on that. Do you guys have any good suggestions on ways to learn? Thanks, hope you guys reply and sorry for so many questions
don't be sorry for asking, if don't ask, you get no answers :3
They already did a video about IT job market, what they do and how they started. That might answer many, if not most of your questions. They also talked about different certificates you can get and what to expect from it.
Regarding learning, I find youtube to be a good place to start. If you know basics of how to search for stuff, you can learn for weeks and weeks just by watching youtube videos - which will lead you to many other interesting sites depending on what you r interested in.