Questions about mining

I understand it… but the more you do the more you use.

Yes. You’re getting thin margins either way. It all depends on how large you can make that thin margin.

I think I’d rather invest in solar first… Especially with the new Tesla Solar roof

It’s probably a better use of your money.

problem is I’m about 5 years away from owning a home lol

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I don’t generally encourage mining, esp. if you’re in any kind of debt

Okay here’s a question take nice hash for example. One day it can say 6 or 7 or 15 or whatever. How do we know that the “algorithm” isn’t made to take a percentage or artificially inflate or deflate over time and take a percentage?

It just assigns your card to whoever fills a buy order. It’s not a miner, it’s a hash renting exchange. You’re paid btc to mine arbitrary crypto for other people. It’s basically a way of laundering arbitrage.

I’ve seen what can be done with AdSense or affiliate tags… just makes me wonder

Knew I could count on your pedanticism expertise. <3

I mean, it’s a pretty important distinction. A reversal would look very, very different, and be great for hash renters, as they’d essentially be buying the dip.

Pedantic would be correcting you if you’d said it was a continuation bull run bitcoin only, or something similar.

I may come off like a peanut gallery, and I get that. But It’s good to have accurate info out there.

I’m pedantic a lot of the time, sure. This was not one of those times.

I’m still quite a noob at trading; I welcome the correction. Was just playing around with my reply. :wink:

Yeah, a sense of humor is pretty much required in crypto.

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What kind of mining rig would be most profitable. Antminer? or GPU rig. I’m thinking of a startup around 10 gpu rig

How can a GPU rig compare to the Antminer S9 14.0 TH/s

I don’t think you have a full understanding on how this works.

Every cryptocurrency has it’s own proo of work algorithm. Mining asics can only do one algo (very well) whereas GPUs can do many, sometimes well, sometimes poorly. It all depends on what you intend to mine.

Right now, I wouldn’t recommend getting in. wait until the next big crash, and do some research in the meantime.

Feel free to share your knowledge here. So the question was with something like the s9 only being good for sha256 but does it at 13.5 th/s. GPU’s being more versatile and having a choice of which pool to mine. What doesn’t make sense is why the s9 just for example is only bringing in around 10$ a day. That’s like a little more than what my gaming PC makes in one day. So I guess being a noob I’m trying to figure out which direction I want to take it.

Like I said earlier, right now is one of the worst times to start. You’d be much better off using the same amount of money to buy bitcoin.

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