Question regarding GPU upgrade

I'm gonna be upgrading my GPU soon and was looking for advice on which way I should go. I currently have the Gigabyte 7870 Ghz Edition, and I game mainly on my LG TV in 1080p. Should I buy another 7870 and go dual GPU, or should I go with something like a 280 / 280X / 770?

I have a 750W psu, so I should be good in a dual GPU setup, but I'm leaning more towards the 280 / 280X.

You should still be pulling decent fps at the resolution. What is starting to run poorly? Maybe an oc on the card and cpu is worth considering (up the cooling though on your 8350 if its using stock heatsink).

Either a 280x or gtx770 would make for a nice upgrade as with the amount of dramas peeps have crossfiring 7870's it isnt really worth it. You should still get quite good money from a miner for it if you sell.

Coming from a Crossfire R9-270x (7870) that i had. (I Sold one cause the headaches were too much) and to elaborate [Skyrim wouldn't run with ENBs in a Crossfire at ALL without Depth of field acting up, the gaming being to BRIGHT or too DARK., there is screen tearing in games with crossfire, and some games (this was rare) wouldnt even load the game up unless crossfire was disabled] you are better off with an R9-280x or a GTX 770 single GPU Setup. however the R9-280x price has skyrocketed right now. so GTX 770 be the better option for an upgrade cause it doesn't cost an arm and a leg right now.