Question From A Friend On Building A PC

Hi so he was just wondering if this build is any good here are the questions

1. Is it good and will it be able to play things like DayZ at any settings and Arma 3 at any settings their any improvements that could be mad to it that keep the cost at 250£ 

3.if not then is thair any better builds for 250£

thanks in advance to any one who can help (^_^)




D) Friend doesn't have a computer.   lol

e) he doesn't have a computer and thus has to use an xbox so he cant type so i asked for him as it was faster

I would get this for OCUK :

 Better looking and MUTCH better performing .

If he can't spare the extra 47 pounds , the downgrade the gpu to a r7 260x

That case in Austin's build is ugly... :(

(Personal preference though... I can't fault him for saving $$$ on a $300 build)

I don't think his build would run DayZ or Arma 3 at max, but should do a decent job. (I could be wrong though)

Yes it is ugly :/

But my build has a better looking case :p