Question for Wendell, Ryan or Krista if possible; Msi x370 xpower titanium and gigabyte ax370 gaming 5

Long story short had to RMA my gigabyte ax370 gaming 5 and they gave me a 50$ off my next board. I wanted to know if you would say its worth to get the msi x370 or just get another gigabyte board in terms of aesthetics i kind of like the gigabyte but I mainly do video editing and content creation with some gaming. Thank you

Are those the only choices you have wenn it comes to boards?

I personally like the Asrock X370 Taichi allot.
Which is a very decent board.


I personally have the X370 XPOWER and for $300, definitely not worth.
However, if you get it for $250 maybe.

Another choice I would look at are some of the Asrock boards, they are pretty nice this generation.

ASRock X370 Gaming K4 is good for the price.
Id imagine the ASRock X370 Taichi to be a very solid choice.

It has one of the best vrm implementations i have seen on X370 boards today.
It has very sollid components on the board.


Before pruchasing my ASRock Taichi I was looking around on the web for the best X370 board. As it turns out, ASUS and ASRock use the best VRMs, Gigabyte's are ok, Biostar's decent and MSI's the worst - not sure why they haven't invested in better VRM. (Well, so much much for bullet proof gaming).

But, since I've read the Gamers Nexus nails our biggest problem: 3L1T3ism thread, I respect your opinion as well :slight_smile: ( long as you've changed it to mine :stuck_out_tongue: )

Not only that but it is one of the only 3 am4 boards... currently that I know of with BCLK adjustment. Asus Hero and Gigabyte K7 are the other two...

The Asrock Taichi and Asus Crosshair Vi Hero, have a very similar vrm.
They use the same pwm, and exactly the same Ti-nexfets.
The only main diffrence is that Asrock is using 6+2 phases doubled to 12+4.
And the Asus is only using 4+2 phases doubled to 8+4.
So in other words the Asrock has effectively more true and virtual phases.
Which means it theorectily should be more efficient.
Never the less both boards are very decent.

The 16 phase is the very reason I chose the ASRock X370 taichi over the Hero mobo in my build...not to mention the 12k caps :slight_smile: