Question: Can One GPU Output A Better / Worse Image Than Another

So I come with a simple question, and a little confused, or maybe just realizing how abscent minded I am.

On my desktop, I just dropped in my old R7 370 to try and see if I could use it or if it was dead. Last time I used it it was in a mac pro and it was throwing artifacts on counter strike source.

But then again I could say my system is all AMD so fuck it.

But when I got the card to ACTUALLY DISPLAY (GCN1. 0 I do not miss you and your load logic) I had, for the first time, noticed the little sparkles and stars in the top left corner of the gigabyte bios. Is it possible for one card vs another to have diff detail in bios or am I just daft?

Meant to post the other day but forgot lol.

Edit:. Answer, technically yes

It has to do with color profile standards on my monitors matching the gpu.

I have old dell monitors that don’t exactly have the most amazing color. My newer gpu’s are set up for like fancy fuckin ips panels and crap, not so much for old TN panels.

My rx480 and gtx970 both can’t match the color profile of my monitors, but my r7 370 can.

That’d explain why grey and blue are the same color.

Artifacts are a sign of unstable overclocks or dying GPU slash vram.

Specks and snow on screen can be caused by low quality or broken cables. Different cards can behave differently on the same cable and display.


^ what he said.

Digital is digital and will look the same.

No this is like the design of the bios ui that I just didn’t notice. Display picture is clear, no noise. I just never noticed that detail, wonder if it’s the gpu or something.



I might have heard that nvidias color profile is different than AMDs and could result in a slightly different experience. It might be also untrue.

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BIOS behavior changes even when you switch ports on GPU :slight_smile:

Both AMD and NV card do not load until the driver is ready, so I would not even bother thinking about that. This makes resolutions, color profiles or even main screen subject to change.

Oooooh shit that’s totally what it is

The area with stars inn the background on my 370 is just a big red block on my gtx 970 AND my RX480

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