Question about SSD [update]

Hey Everyone.

I bought my first ever SSD today, Samsung 840 pro 128GB, the installation was great and realy easy.

I installed windows 7 on it, but in my file browser it shows the SSD as 2 partitions. my Local C partition, and a empty D partition, by system reserved.I did not made any partions on it, so my simple question is, is it normal?  that an SSD shows 2 partitions?

grtz Angel ☺


I have had that happen when installing on some freinds machines.  But isnt the D partition only like 50mb or something really small?  If it is I don't think it really matters.  Good luck with your ssd got my frist one about this time last summer a samsung 830 64gb and its awsome.

yeah you right its about 100 MB, i figured it out.

But i have a new problem, i did a AS SSD benchmark, but i dont get  very good scorings, the scoring should be arround 1150 points but mines hit only 732 points. i readed somewhere about an AHCI driver, but i have no idea what they talking about, i readed somebody had the same problem, and installed that driver, and his problem was solved, but i have no clue, is it a motherboard driver or something...

Is AHCI enabled in your Bios? it may still be set to IDE mode, which will slow you down. The 100MB partition shouldnt be showing up, so just go into your disk manager and remove the drive letter from it, so it will not show up. (it wont break anything, though)

Ya check your bios and also see if your motherboard has drivers for ahci mode.  My z77 board did and it helped my system utilized the speed of my ssd.

thank you so far, i will look at the bios in a few seconds, i found on the Asus site a driver, ahci driver. so i will try that, but first i will go check the bios, stay tuned :P

i checked it, and all sata ports are on AHCI mode....

So i probably need a driver.

If after the driver install you are still not reaching the max speed check if its pluged into a 6gps port on your motherboard. i use this guide for my first time set up

a very painless set up

i tried the driver, but doesnt make any diffrence, in the bios everything is set to ahci mode, as far as i could see, let go on more details how my situation is at the moment.

My motherboard Asus M5A97 evo R2.0

i have 6 sata ports, in the bios it set sata 1 /4 to ahci and sata 5/6 also to ahci.

What i have connected, at Sata 1 the SSD at Sata 2 a DVD burner sata 300gb/s.

On sata 3 i run a sata 2 harddrive.

i also have 2 other sata ports, i suppose they run on a diffrent chip.. because they are elswhere located on the mobo

maybe something to change here?.

or is there something i have to do with the samsung software?

other than check your boot structure in bios; to see if its booting from the right disk. may also check your device manager to see if your controller is registering.


thnx for the help so far, it should have to boot from the right disk because, there is no os installed on the HDD. in the device manager everything seems normal.

i also found this:

could this maybe  help?

yup think thats it ,may also unplug the other drives till you get the os installed

if you can install your os do so it may update the drivers you need automatically.

sorry i mean check windows update

thats what i did , i only pluged in the SSD and my dvd drive, then i installed the os, because otherwise i would probably got a multiboot, thats why i disconnected the hdd first, then installed windows on the SSD after everything was done, i pluged in the HDD as wel, installed partition software, and formatted the old HDD. that works all fine, i think its a driver issue, to bad on the asus site it self not much info to find..

i gonne try those amd driver now.

i installed the amd driver i get a 822 score right now , a littlebit better, but still not good.

my write speeds got stuck arround 480 mb/s and my write arround 332 mb/s

May have to go through the optimizing part to get full speed . turning off page files  indexing stuff like that. welcome to ssd! If your fast before, your really fast now.  Rates as single most important thing you can do to improve performance in my book.

well, i installed samsung magican, and it sais there is an firmware update availeble, wenn i click update, it fails.

i have totaly no ideas anymore,  those files in the rar file, i can´t do anything with it.. i have no idea how to install it