Question about OS when upgrading

So im upgrading from an amd cpu and mobo to intel ones. What I want to know is will I have to completely reinstall windows 8.1 or do I have other options?

Also the OS is on a boot ssd I also have 2 other hard drives but I should be ok and not have to delete anything off those, right?

And finally if I have to completely reinstall would I be better off getting windows 10 because I was going to upgrade when it is released and I thought that maybe installing the tech preview now would save me time if it is stable enough to game on.

I've done this many times in the past and it sometimes works fine and sometimes doesn't. Of course, beforehand make sure that you don't lose anything. I would simply install all of the intel parts, then try to boot off of your boot drive and see what happens. Hardware compatibility has gotten much better over the last couple iterations so I feel pretty confident that you'll be fine. You'll just want to make sure that you get all of your drivers installed for the new hardware right away.

As for Windows 10, I've been using it about since the developer preview was released and it is really really nice and works great but it's not perfect. There doesn't seem to be any incompatibilities from games that I've found so far but as it's still in development, there are a LOT of core changes going on that require a complete overhaul of the windows core every couple updates or so. Because of this, there's always the chance that the update could fail, and you could get sunk without a recent backup, but that's just part of a developer preview. In my opinion I would wait to get it until it's actually released which isn't that far off, as I don't think the advantages over 8.1 are worth the risk.

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Thanks, I'll give it a try and if it doesn't work I'll just reinstall windows 8.1.