Question about netboot of a RaspberryPi off of a Synology

I saw the video about netbooting a Raspberry Pi, and I am trying to set my PiHole Pi to boot from my Synology. The first problem was that I was using the PiHole to do DHCP. I’m currently switching DHCP to my pfSense box. Once that is done, I’ll be ready to try this thing.

The one question I had was this: What happens if the Synology goes down while the Pi is running? Does the Pi just die? Will it survive a reboot of the Synology, say for a DSM update?


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I really thought PXE booting, loaded the OS into ram, and just ran it from there?

Never tried, so am gonna quack it…

Do try and maybe report back. It is certainly interesting.

I’m going to try this with a spare RPi that I have before I try it with my PiHole machine. I’ll let you know what I find out.

Wendell did a video on it a while ago, not from Synology specifically I don’t think, but it looks like DSM has a TFTP service built in, so worth a shot.

Reboots and whatnot of the Synology shouldn’t majorly affect your pi in this setup. So long as the pi has everything it needs loaded into its local memory it won’t care.

If you’ve got network shares that the pi is writing data back to though, then that’s going to be a problem. It just depends on what you’re using the pi for and whether you need it to do that or not.

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