Question about mining pool

HI EVRYBODY!!  (in doctor nick voice)


I just decided to put my dual 6870s to use, and start mining bitcoin and have been looking at the site for an hour or so before I came into work. I do have some questions though. I went to the bitcoin page from the site and clicked to create my user for the pool and what not, yet the url info from the page seems to not be able to connect via guiminer. There was another forum post from a while back that had a url for the pool that seems to work though. Is this the correct one, or am I missing something. If anyone could also assist with how to truly link any coins or parts of them gained during mining to a wallet (or link to a post about it) I would appreciate it. I would search for it myself, but here at the jail we have horrible computers running a horrid IE from like 2006 so I cant use half of the features of the site from here.


Thank you for anyone who takes the time to help out.

umm... you won't make anything mining bitcoin on gpus, especially 6870s. the ASICs have taken over.

ahhhh.... it will be on a spare computer just sitting there doing nothing but mining. So there is no real way for it to put enough help into the pool to get any gain out of it?