Question about K70

Question for K70 owners...

Just got a K70 after my ducky zero black switch had iffy keys and...just wondering if it's normal for the keys to wobble somewhere under the finger? i never had it with my ducky with blacks so..dunno if it's normal for the K70...

Also with regards to the backlight, not fully lighting up thelettering on the keys with multiple lines? i.e. on top row all the symbols are lit but numbers are a lot dimmer, on num pad numbers are lit but for e.g. arrows and words are a lot dimmer...


Yeah I just got my K95 the other day as well so I can clear up the LED thing at least. If you pull a keycap off, the arrows are the easiest with out a puller, you will see that the center of the key has thick plastic to attach to the switches. The light has a harder time shining through this plastic so the numbers on the top row look dimmer than the symbols on the same keys. An unfortunate consequence of the manufacturing process. It is also why al the lettering and wording is center and top of the keys rather than top left and center like some other keyboards. 

As for the wobble. This being my first Mechanical keyboard I have to say the play in the keys is very small but it is there. the rubber dome I was on wobbled like crazy and it annoyed the hell out of me. These keys are MX Reds so they are a little lighter, might have been that the MX Blacks had a stronger spring and less play because of it.'s weird because of the play in the switch, depending on if there's any forwards/back pushing on the key when i press it it rubs somewhat...i dunno :p