This is my first post, i'll drink to it. I have a lil' problem (i think), hopefully you guys can help. I recently got a new system that includes an i7 4770k and a Thermalright HR-02 Macho Rev. A. So, i hooked it up, run Aida64 stability test and the peak temps were between 73 and 78 Celsius. In idle, i get between 22 and 30. Room temp around 25. Google'ing the results, i found out the temps are pretty big, most people say it shouldn't pass 68 or around that, in full load, with this cooler. I'm not OC'ing it, everything is set to default. The thermal paste i used was the MX-2. I did ask someone and they told me temps are higher than normal and recommended changing the paste but didn't tell me what to use. Do you guys think the paste that came with the cooler is better? If not, what do you recommend? I'm a total noob when it comes to hardware.
Thanks in advance.
PS: Sorry for typos, english is not my native language.
Artic Silver is great thermal paste. If your not overclocking though there is no reason for it to run that hot. I would run that sucker back and get another chip just to be sure.
I concur with Khiol. You should get the chip replaced. Raise a stink if you have to.
Also, Just because I took a dremel tool to a $300 motherboard does not mean I'm cool with telling a self proclaimed hardware noob to delid their CPU.
Delid-ing is as much a gamble as buying a new CPU. It's Only worth it if you can't get a replacement. Or you are getting good, stable overclock speeds but can't find a way to manage the excessive heat. Especially if you are not experienced with fiddling with hardware.
Thanks for the advices, guys! @ATIGraphix, as i said, i'm noob when it comes to hardware, i even had to google what deliding a CPU is, so thanks for trolling. I'll try changing the paste, see how that works out. After that, i'll think about returning the CPU. Thanks again.