QuebesOS passthrough

I’m getting ready to do the full linux setup on my new pc but I’m a little befuddled as to what os to go with, and if not qubes I’ll cross my fingers and jump back into void.

Basically all I need to know is does qubes have a way to set up passthrough yet? I half want to set it up and half don’t. I don’t want to spend a weekend setting it up just to miss one thing, have it not work at all, and then bork my install and need to reset. I just flat ass have shit to do.

If qubes has nothing really in place then I guess I’ll jump in void, then start bashing heads about to make this stuff easier. I know people HAVE DONE PASSTHROUGH IN QUBES, but have the devs put anything in place for it? They were going to make a client for the system and chasges to the security to make passthrough moleecure than it is.

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About to do the backup / wipe and need to know if I’m going to even try qubes right now or not. Can anyone confirm anything on Qubes supporting passthrough?

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Subscribing to this thread… May turn it into a video if you make headway.


This pops up on the Qubes development mailing list periodically. From my understanding, there’s still no support.

…yeah…subbed there too. I worry that attitude will bring us wsl with hw passthrough before qubes does. Lol


Tsk tsk, too slow qubes.

Well I don’t feel like punching a hole in how the OS inherently works, nor do I really feel like fucking around with it too terrible much. So I’ll go with void. I have an interest in qubes though… I’ll put it on a laptop to play with it and keep you posted maybe, if I have time.

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For what it’s worth, it’d still be interesting if you attempted it in Qubes for all us spectators hoping you get it working :slight_smile:

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XD perhaps in the future. I’m taking a break from science.

There was a lengthy post on the development mailing list today.


Best to read the full post on the mailing list, but here’s the opening synopsis:

I have begun work on porting Qubes to work within a KVM host. I need a development environment that can utilize the cuda cores on a secondary Nvidia RTX GPU and also prefer to be able to utilize the graphics card.

For several weeks I attempted to get the GPU to successfully pass-though to a Qubes virtual machine using the Nvidia drivers without success. I can get it to work in dom0, but how could one think to do any work there.

I looked into KVM and discovered I can pass-though the GPU with no issues, it just works.

So now I am in a dilemma. I love Qubes, I have been using Qubes since 2014 and was having a hard time coming to terms with having to move to a plain KVM environment. I have come to the realization that moving to KVM is the only option now. It was time to say goodbye to Qubes and was having a difficult time dealing with that, so I again spent way too much time trying to get the Nvidia GPU working in Qubes.

I then looked into alternatives to prevent my complete departure from Qubes. Marek told me about DomB, which is now in its design stages. It would allow me to statically partition my machine (like having 2 dom0 VMs - remember the Nvidia GPU with nvidia drivers works in dom0), but there is no experimental code ready yet. So, then I attempted to get Qubes to run nested within KVM. I was having issues with the display and then decided that instead of running Qubes nested, I should just get Qubes to run within KVM. That’s where we are today, no need to leave Qubes, invite Qubes over to KVM!

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So run kvm, then one VM with passthrough and another VM with qubes?

Seems like not having dom0/b as cubes defeats the security, a bit, but basically he’s where I was in like 2018.

Love qubes. They don’t make it easy though.