Hey Level1’rs.
Now that we are cooped up, we can no longer procrastinate home and personal projects.
Pics are preferred; supplies & goals, finished product, and/or lists.
Mega Thread!!!
Hey Level1’rs.
Now that we are cooped up, we can no longer procrastinate home and personal projects.
Pics are preferred; supplies & goals, finished product, and/or lists.
Mega Thread!!!
Finally librebooting my t400
I couldn’t find an SD card so I’m waiting still but maybe by next week.
No, YOU can no longer procrastinate
I’m finally getting my 14tb San hooked to the network
And I’m getting a Mac pro 4,1 I will flash to 5,1 and 12core upgrade 128gb ram this will be more stable then my g5 quad for hosting cause liquid cooling system failed 97c temps are not ok
I’m building an arm cluster with docker swarm and whatnot.
I’m trying to move but iM aN EsSenTIAl eMpLOYee and w@h isn’t an option
This is definitely worth it.
I as well, I’m still trying to work on various projects, but I think I might trigger some of you with pictures of my room
Little time to work on or clean and even less room 8x12ft room does not look pretty
Been working on batocera Machines and a recommended hardware guide, hopefully I’ll get a test setup eventually, I’ve got a lot of potential CPU configurations to test
I got quite a few internals for toshiba C650 I can turn into batocera boxs
Will update tomorrow with all of my ghetto machinations
Attend as many online lectures as lack of sleep schedule and overloaded internet allow.
My objective is to start writing my masters paper, while I am on forced vacation
I also bought some ebooks about Linux, Powershell and general programming. I should read and learn more during the downtime.
im still working thanks to the dept of cyber security but my current projects are
~clean a french chassuers saber hilt from 150~ years of gunk using brasso, shop towels, and toothpicks.
~build new sword racks. got plenty of wood but their was a roof leak so i got to plane off some mold? to see how deep it goes and maybe buy new wood.
~make a wood and leather k bar sheath for a friend. need some brass wire for this project, and i need to sharpen up all my chisels. got plenty of wood and leather, and while im at it might make one for the new dirk.
pics later? got to go do a install for a client.
I’m building userland CRUD applications to beef up my programming chops. I’ve always wanted a “ToDo” app that was console based. So, I’m working on it. I made it in C at first to get better at C shells C shells on the C shell but then I decided to write it in Java because I’m a bit better at Yava than I am C (shells).
Obvs Java does a lot more for you than C, I’d often screw up the D part because I hadn’t allocated enough space. Also
if(check_delete == 0)
FILE *fptr;
FILE *tmp_ptr;
char *item;
unsigned long i;
unsigned long compared_item;
fptr = fopen("todo.dat", "rb");
tmp_ptr = fopen("temp.dat", "wb");
if(fptr == NULL)
printf("Cannot open file.\n");
return 1;
for(i = 0; i < sizeof(fptr); i++)
item = malloc(250);
if(fgets(item, 250, fptr) != NULL)
compared_item = atoi(argv[2]);
if(compared_item != i + 1)
fprintf(tmp_ptr, "%s", item);
rename("temp.dat", "todo.dat");
Anyway. Learned a lot about strcpy
and strncpy
. The man
pages were INSANELY useful.
int check_usage = strncmp(argv[1], "help", 4);
int check_add = strncmp(argv[1], "add", 4);
int check_list = strncmp(argv[1], "list", 4);
int check_delete = strncmp(argv[1], "delete", 4);
void help(void)
printf("usage: ./todo cmd item | list\n");
printf("cmd: add, delete\n");
printf("item: Todo to do\n");
printf("list: list current todos\n");
Also writing a novel. It’s pretty lame at this point, still in the first draft. About a hax0r breh that gets tied up in the Mafia. Falls in love with the Don’s daughter, she gets caught in cross fire, and he uses his InfoSec, military, and organized crime resources to take down the opposing force.
Like I said, first draft, so STFU until I’m at the ComicCon panel
This is the softcore porn equivalent to the protagonist rekt’ing some poor sobs Winderz computer. I have some technical stuff in there, but mostly about phones, encryption, things like that. Most of the story is about sweet vengeance through armed force.
Inspiration came from The Sopranos, Man on Fire, Law Abiding Citizen, Mr. Robot (the non-aspy version), Daemon, and a few other sources. Hard to name them all.
I did start the road toward kernel development, but it’s becoming mainstream now that @SgtAwesomesauce is involved, so I’m going back to back-end dev
Building a new forum that’s not PHP and not Ruby. It’s not Go either, which would have been exciting I guess.
It’s nothing right now, still needs a lot of work. Front end is pretty and authentication works, but I need to get Postgres and/or Redis going. Also going to have side channels in a Discord fashion outside of the message board format. Arrgh, it’s insane. I thought building a forum would be easy lol. Mad rep to the Discourse and CPanel/PHP folks. Lot of work has gone into it.
Since I’m “essential” and must drive to the office every day to sit at a desk my objective is to not get sick.
Going to work on my various GitLab related projects.
Going to probably experiment with Jenkins and automation stuff.
I immediately thought of emacs org mode
Stop bullying me
[x] Install FAH on all the things (Team GamersNexus!)
[x] Install Sabayon Linux on my laptop
[ ] Create a stream box using raspberry pi and OBS
[ ] Install RTMP server to merge twitch streams
[ ] Install Openstack test labs on my server
[ ] Catch up on Anime/Manga ( HxH, FMAB, JJBA Part 6)
[ ] Profit?
Well my pc build that I originally wanted to do when FX was out is now coming together.
Might be some inspiration there for a more single purpose streamlined todo your doing
console based
Have you ever used emacs?