Quantum break pc

About half an hour into it and so far I am impressed

runs extremely well on my system and the graphics are pretty damn good.

Most of the detractors over the pc version seem to be

a) currently broken on nvidia (...waiting to hear that its got something to do with async compute :D)... strange considering this had a day one game ready driver released for it.
b) anti aliasing jaggies when you are standing still
c) whole windows unified app thing..
c) some people are experiencing texture streaming issues (not had any yet myself)

plots good, movement is fluid, good graphics, good musical score.

So far so good for me.

Do not feed the Microsoft troll, Kill it with fire.

Microsoft need to get the fuck out of PC gaming...again.

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Aww come on MechWarrior and Halo were awesome and having run their 3D Flight Simulator 1.0 on an 8086 they do know how to write code.
Thanks for the info @flazza I'll check it out

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Its kind of hard to keep an emotional distance and think bigger picture when all you want to do is play good games, right now.

Worst case scenario its walled garden vs walled garden (steam vs ms app store), MS will either learn to play nice and give us back our toys (options :D) as pc users OR it will fail.

In the mean time I get to play a pretty good game on the platform of my choice (albeit limited choice ... either xbox or PC :D).

Other observations

in some places shadows suck

makes me wonder if that is a limitation of their engine or if its something that could be improved.

80% of issues on the technical side of games are Engine. 5% bad developers and 15% pc/driver issues.
Steam will improve when they take on Linux with full steam ahead.

It's precisely the game the platform deserves. I'm glad.
Kinda sorry for Remedy, but chances are they really didn't intend to make it for PC in the first place but then the publisher changed the target late.

I am 1/3 through and it seems to reflect my expectations.
1) M$ fucked the PC-Platform over
2) Nvidia fucked themself over
3) AMDs GCN is good at computing (as prooven MANY times)
4) Drivers are key (so software these days is holding back the hardware, not the other way round)

thought I would play this a little more now that MS have released an update for freesync / framerate, I also turned off upscaling which seriously seems to improve the visuals.

runs pretty awesome so far, I think digital foundry need to re-test the windows app store stuff with this update.

Meh. I might play it when the show is on DVD :I otherwise I don't know why people are playing it. Its just going to be confusing as hell for people in 5 years.