Quake Champions Megathread

I play CS as an arena shooter it pisses people off. Its great.



lol if I treat it as one, it is one. Some people play Sonic 06 as an adventure game, others use it as a glitch simulator.

Even so, looking forward to future vulkan support in QC so I can play it. Has there been any news on it?

No itā€™s actually not. And you cant do anything about it than accept it.


All I know about this thread at this point is that ā€œMegatheadā€ is bugging the crap outta me.

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would a better title be the
"Quake Champions lounge"

I meant the spelling issue :wink:

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Alright an actual question: anyone playing on wifi? Howā€™s latency?

Canā€™t give you a definitive answer for wifi, but assuming your network has no issues, servers are pretty good, on my Ethernet connection it is pretty good, I make sure to connect to servers <=55 ping.

I havenā€™t had any unplayable spikes of ping yet, so thatā€™s a plus

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as much flack the game gets for being a cash grab, really enjoy the music when playing

RIP Bhopping
on paper it looks like the game is slower



Might actually make me install tbh


casual mode

Lol ok, itā€™s the best mode

Bunny hop removed from Galena, my main, boy does that suckā€¦

I see the netcode still hasnā€™t been fixed, getting shot through cover constantly on instagibā€¦

I couldnā€™t even pick an instagib game yet, is it any good?

If you wait 10 minutes yesā€¦ its decent, but there is constant spawn camping. It can take 3+ spawns before you can move a foot sometimes.

Instagib and classic mode are about the only things I find worth playing in the game, and judging by the amount of time it takes to join a gameā€¦ Iā€™d say its not going very far.

Itā€™s average at best imo, people will yell ā€œbut early accessā€ā€¦ yea no Iā€™m honestly sick of that excuse, especially from a company like id.

I just hope ID comes to their senses and fix this mess, its the only online game i actually enjoy playingā€¦