Quake: Champions - Beta Sign Ups Open!

Even if they did the backlash would be so hard it would deter them from doing something like that.

Characters have varying amounts of health and armor, as well as movement speed and a unique ability. These include a totem you can deploy to heal teammates and damage foes or one that causes you to rush forward, killing anyone in your path. While pick-ups on the map allow you to speed up their cooldown, these can't be used all that often. The abilities are not hugely impactful--they might win you a fight, but it doesn't seem as if using one is likely to be a match-defining moment, as can be the case with a well-timed Ultimate in Overwatch.

Goodbye equal playing field. Glad there is going to be a classic mode, because at this point that's all I'm going to be interested in playing. I'm sure the main game modes are still going to be fun, but it just ruins the spirit of quake imo.


In my opinion, customizing appearances is stupid in an FPS, because you can't see yourself, or if you can, barely or only on reflective surfaces (which are not all that common). The only other way would be is if there's an instant replay mode in 3rd person.

Scalebearer added

Burial Chamber Arena added

i don't remember if it was this quake or not, but stages mention the Elder god that comes with it. is there some utility there i'm missing or is it just Quake-lore-nobody-cares-about?

I honestly thing they are trying to build out the lore a little bit. There's nothing wrong with giving your game a little more character. A lot of stuff I feel like is just embellished upon from the past. Same goes for Doom too. I like it.

i was more wondering if there's environmental kills and stuff, ie if you get two people fragged over the blood pool thing in Covenant, some tenticle thing comes out and takes over that bit. i guess we'll see later.

100% agree

So guys, you think there is going to be a support class? A lot of people like playing support, they would be turning down a large segment of the audience... but its Quake...

I hope not. It's Quake. The only support you need is a guy with a bigger gun than you.

Jesus christ dude... you're going to start a religious war with that kind of talk.

i mean, i can't see the community accepting it, but like if the devs wants broad commercial appeal, they need it...

I always play support. You can piss off with that kind of talk in Quake though.


Go back to tf2 skrub lelelelel

But in all seriousness no. If they would just update the weapons list, physics engine, make some new maps, and leave the option for new and old graphics that will be good. I don't want class bullshit, insurgency classes are already co fusing and I hate hero shooters. TF2 has the foothold on class based shooters already they need to ignore the 12 year olds and fuck off with that shit.

hashtag disagree

Now that I remember Q3A, they were kind of going in this direction. Quake 3 had characters: Sarge, Doom, Ranger, etc. These few were based on the heroes from their old games. Then they had original ones. This is just the next logical step from that.

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I see your line of thought but creating classes for the characters is quite a deviation when viewed from a classic lens. It's logical from a modern game perspective, though. While classes seem to be the norm these days, I couldn't see ID moving that direction at the time of Q3

exactly my thoughts