Quadro vs Titan Xp

I’m a video editor. Specifically for rap videos but I want my rap videos to be as visually entertaining as if they were shot by Marvel Studios(3d effects, and particles as well as lumtri colors, and heavy effects)

I have a small budget but I’m willing to save if I have to.
what I need:
Great colors
GPU that can handle a heavy 4k(possibly 6k) video work
Multiple types of 4k+(pro res, xavs, and so on)
fast rendering
no lagging, even with multiple effects

What I have in mind:

  1. one single Quadro p6000
  2. two Quadro p5000’s
  3. one or two Titan Xp’s
  4. two 1080Ti’s?
  5. two p4000’s?

Any Ideas?

Just one Q, why nvidia? IDK so thats why I am asking.

I believe (but i’m not a video guy, just memory from watching some reviews) that heavy effects are often CPU dependent rather than GPU. Also recall a few tests I’ve seen where basically video card in Adobe is irrelevant, just so long as you have a discrete GPU (there was definitely a big jump from intel integrated graphics to a baseline GPU), how powerful it was made very, very little difference. But that will be software dependent…

What software are you planning to run? As that may have a bearing on where to best spend your budget.

Also, it may be worth checking out what the Mac has to offer and whether or not final cut pro will do the job, as if it can, the Macs can be subjectively much faster in actual use (even on lesser hardware) due to doing background rendering, which IIRC other software suites do not do.

TLDR: work out what software you plan to run, then pick hardware that runs that best.

Mostly :
After Effects

But Not limited to:
Cinema 4D

I’m going with Nvidia so far, because amd’s cards are either slower or made for gaming. So much doesn’t make sense about this stuff. The Quadro’s are supposedly for “professional detail oriented video/graphics work” but its slow as shit until you to the Quadro GP100($7000-$10,000 GPU), which is only about as fast as a damn 1080TI.
P5000 and P6000 are closer to the 1080 and below range as far as speed, and as it appears most of the Nvidia graphics cards that render at high speeds as well as handle heavy workloads…are the damn gaming cards. smh. Rant over. Sorry bout that. #frustrating.
Wish Amd had something faster then the Quadro’s that could compete with their ability to run heavy effects, 10-bit color, and 8k performance.

You might be best off hitting some forums specific to Adobe. Whatever the hardware spec, you may be surprised at how little the software makes use of the video card for acceleration (Depending on the software).

I think Jayz2cents on youtube did a test of video performance for Adobe Premier (for example) and there was essentially no difference between an RX560/GTX1060 and a Titan XP.

But again, look for benchmarks specific to your apps…

AMD’s cards are generally more powerful than Nvidias per dollar in compute related tasks (not sure where you get that AMD are “made for gaming”; generally they’re more general purpose than Nvidia GTX)… but again, depends on what the software is doing. If it runs CUDA acceleration Nvidia is your only choice.

Pretty sure with recent versions of Blender, AMD cards are way up there.


If you plan on using adobe, please watch this video.

GN provides good benchmarks for what you will want to do.


Puget has a lot of information on those topics. Yes, they want to sell systems. But for them it is more important to sell the right system than any system.


I don’t do video editing but I am a hardware person. From what I’ve seen, you’ll need a lot of cpu cores & a lot of memory to get fast render times and smooth video scrubbing. I have worked in the engineering world for a long time though and that’s where you see a lot of Quadro and Radeon Pro cards. They are used in CAD/CAE machines for 3d modeling with programs like Intergraph Smart 3D, AutoCAD, Revit, and Bentley Microstation. Much of the cost of these cards goes into the driver validation. An engineering company designing a billion dollar plant could have 100 designers working on the same project and they can’t afford to have down time because of driver issues. The construction drawings are generated from the 3D models so they have to be dimensional accurate also. On the other hand, most of that software doesn’t utilized all the effects like ambient occlusion that a typical video game would. I believe @wendell has done some videos on the AMD Radeon Pro cards before and discussed some of the performance differences between gaming oriented cards and professional cards.

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