I know that you can’t mix a MMF module with SMF cables, or SMF module with MMF cables, but I haven’t found any articles on QSPF+ ports being only compatible with one type of module. Are they always interchangeable?
I want to connect two Mikrotik’s CRS326-24S+2Q+RM in two different rooms. DAC cables are not an option.
On Mikrotik’s website they only have a MMF module with a MTP/MPO connector (Q+85MP01D) and it is the only module on the compatibility list for this switch.
Will a SMF module work with it? What are some cheap options to connect these two switches? It might acually be cheaper to connect 4 sfp+ ports and bond them…
Mikrotik will let you use just about any SFP so no need to restrict yourself to the ones on their website.
You can also get adapters to go QSFP to SFP+ or QSFP to 4x SFP+ break outs.
Just make sure you get matched SFP/QSFP’s on both ends of the chain. SM or MM only matters based on distance and bandwidth. Cant run 400gb over MM but you can run 40gb over MM.
Yes I was looking at modules on FS .com and because I knew 25 and 100Gbs connections run on singlemode usually I thougth we could future-proof the installation by running a 12 fibre cable with LC connections (the electrician said that likely there won’t be enough room for multiple cable runs in the existing channels that are connecting the two rooms). Also at first I didn’t even find MTP / MTO cassettes or pig-tails, only patch cables.
It’s the first time I’m planning a fiber connection and I could use all the help : D At first I tought we could run a port to port connection, like you would with a coopper cable, but then I was told that It’s not done like that .
We also got a proforma invoice for installation and it came in for about 1800 € … The thing that through me off was that they listed the cables and welding together as the same item and price (400€ for 50m - I contacted another company and they said 8€/weld - this was 8€/m) and they listed a “fiber panel LC single mode” which I didn’t quite know if that is the same as a cassette or is that something different …
Also they only listed the trancievers as QSFP-40GE-LR4 for 350 € (each) before tax and I was confused why would they use Long Range? modules if we only have about 30m of length.
We don’t need a 40Gbs connection anyway, the Synology we are running can’t saturate that (but 20gbs would be nice for some headroom - we get 1GB/s transfers to the workstations so clearly the system is fast enough to saturate a 10Gbs connection and we will have multiple editors working on projects). It was more because I can Do you think we should have two connactions anyway - for redundancy?
Definitely do not use LR SFP’s as they will burn out due to sensitivity on short distances.
Are the cables pre-terminated? That is the only reason I can think of that would stop them from running a 12 strands because thats not a very big cable.