"Q3DM6" Tribute to the old days

Sup been really busy lately. Managed to get a steal on a ek block for my titan. btw.. This titan will be a dx12 experiment. As you all may know dx12 is bringing a lot of goodies to the table(so they say) Being able to use AFR and this whole talk about VRAM pool. I figured this would be the perfect time to get on bored. So my plan WAS to do SLI with 980ti's but.... I have a feeling Nvidia will refresh soon due to the nano coming out and.. well the talk about the dx12 score in AoS. Anyways haven't been able to do a whole lot with this build lately so it's collecting dust. Just put a order in so more to come soon.

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Had a defect on one radiator so having to rma

Future thoughts... I was thinking of two 980tis... but it just doesn't make sense with pascal around the corner.. maybe if some good deals comes along we shall see.

mm... dem d5's tho... bookmarked.


k so got some stuff back..

Really been thinking a lot about what direction to go. I never intended to throw money at this but that's what is happening lol... I haven't even gotten into getting the gpus figured out and I am already thinking about custom sleeves.. gonna have to save up some more. Something tells me to wait atleast til christmas time.. Surely there will be a refresh on gpus or some good deals.


Mmmmmm. Pretty


i'm sure if you watch carefully could probably snag a fury x or 980ti for 550

unless of course you're going with old/low end hardware for the tribute?


I wish could find a titan x hydrocopper or ti hc. Especially for that price, I need two. The hydrocoppers are looking sexy(ek fc). If only.. but if I get a good enough deal then thinking csq fc ek.

get a 980ti hydrocopper silly not a titan. though buying a normal card and block is usually a little cheaper and you can choose from more styles.
I know that the Furyx has some awesone cooling options i just saw one that had active backplate cooling i bet that thing overclocks like mad.


And of course the Fury actually has functioning DX12, pokes bear and runs.


Yes the fury x has a very sexy csq block from ek. The ti hc is 800 new, so if I can find a steal on a used one or even better two then I'll be on it asap.

Decided to try a few different things. Not sure if it will stay. Found a good deal on a titan x hc, waiting on that to start seeing what to do up top. At this point not sure if I will keep my old titan.. but I do want to experiment and run tests to see if certain situations can improve as dx12 rolls out with games. AFR, Direct Multi-connect, AA and Post Processing.. Vram? Physx? I'll see what's going on with that. Probably will end up selling the old titan and just getting another titan x hc. eh... I know a lot of people like to do perfect 90 degree stuff but me It looks fine but I like doing things that are against the norm and that includes not using the sli waterblock bridges. More to come