Hello all,
In my spare time I am coding a socket messenger using the Tkinter Python module for its GUI.
It was mostly created just message my friends at school, however I ran into a problem
As the Tkinter module requires the mainloop() function in order to display the GUI, the "while True:" statement / loop is needed to run alongside this function in order to supply the GUI with information to display messages and so forth.
After some googling, I found "threading". I am not too sure on how this works, but it seems I have managed to muddle up how to declare a global function (needed as a callback for the "Send" button).
Here is my program:
import section
from tkinter import*
import socket, random, base64, os, threading, time
def connection_loop():
global Send
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
host = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
port = 1144
while True:
def Send(Var):
Var = Send_Var
c, laddr = s.accept()
swprint("Got Connection from" + str(laddr))
Client_Message = c.recv(1024)
Client_Message = Client_Message.decode("utf-8")
swprint("Client: " + Client_Message)
graphics management
root = Tk()
root.resizable(height = False, width = False)
root.wm_title("Spider Host")
f = Frame(root, height = 300, width = 400)
w = Text(root, bd = 2, font = ("Comic Sans",10," bold"), fg = "blue")
e = Entry(root, bg = "white", fg = "blue", bd = 2, font = ("Comic Sans",10," bold"))
b = Button(root, bg = "dark blue", fg = "white", bd = 2, text = "Send", command = Send(e.get()))
sc = Scrollbar(root, bd = 2)
f.configure(bg = "white")
sc.config(command = w.yview)
w.place(relx = 0, rely = 0, relheight = 0.9, relwidth = 1)
e.place(relx = 0, rely = 0.9, relheight = 0.1, relwidth = 0.85)
b.place(relx = 0.85, rely = 0.9, relheight = 0.1, relwidth = 0.15)
sc.place(relx = 0.98, rely = 0, relheight = 0.9, relwidth = 0.02)
thread = threading.Thread(target = connection_loop)
thread.daemon = True
(and just to clarify yes I have created a client capable of connecting to the host)