Python 3.4.2 install problem on manjaro [Solved]

I have recently took the plunge and moved from windows 8.1 to manjaro 8.10 and so far I'm loving every thing about linux and the xfce desktop. As this is really my first really linux experience there is a bit of a learning curve for me but it is allot easier than I expected. However I've run in to some problems when trying to install python 3.4.2 so I can use idle to write python code. As I'm new to linux in general i have installed most program from guides and from the arch/manjaro wiki and forums. But I cannot seem to install python after following a few guides I still have not yet managed to get it working and I am unsure on how to install tar.xz files properly. 

How I have tried to install python:

-Downloaded the python-3.4.2 from

- Put the Python-3.4.2.tar.xz on to the desktop and then extracted

- Then using the terminal i ran these commands on the extracted file

- "./configure"


- "sudo make install"

These 3 commands is what the readme file says to run to install python however they seem to not install python shell or idle however they do all run successfully. I am most like doing just doing something really obvious wrong .If any one can help I would greatly appreciate it.


- If there is a easier why do to this in pacman or yast could you let me know it would be a big help.

Well first thing about Linux, you'll almost never NEED to download something to get it installed. It can more than likely be installed though a package manager. Manjaro uses Pacman so you can just run "sudo pacman -S python3" from the terminal to get Python 3 installed. You did correctly install Python from the tarball but that doesn't include Idle. I think when you install python3 in Pacman it includes Idle but you will also need "tk" for it to work. So all together run "sudo pacman -S python3 tk" to install everything.

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And remember to make uninstall that manual python install first.

Is manjaro Linux that different from Arch? Python 3 is default on arch so is packaged just as 'python' not 'python3' id have thought this might be the same on manjaro?

The Python package available in Archlinux is 3.4.2, hence "python 3.4.2-1". "sudo pacman -S python" will install it, if it isn't already. Being that you're using Manjaro, it probably already is installed. You have to explicitly call "sudo pacman -S python2" to get the older version.

Manjaro uses Arch's package manager, so yes, it would be mostly the same. Manjaro adds a couple of repositories of its own, but it still has Arch's core repos and the AUR available for use.

I ran sudo pacman -S python3 tk and sudo pacman -S Python3 and idle appearers when i search for it now but it doesn't run when I try to run it. I think i need to unistall python 3 and then run sudo pacman -S python tk to get idle to install and run properly. so I guess python has not installed correctly. So how do i unstall python in the terminal ?

Screen shot

Make sure your manual install of python has been uninstalled first or that will potentially mess up other installs. You can do that by running 'make uninstall' in the directory with the install/source files.

Then from the cli run: sudo pacman -Sy python tk

python should have been installed by default though so you shouldn't have needed to install anything.