Punk Vibes?

Do you (Tek Syndicate) or members of the forum consider yourselves as Punks? Not necessarily in musical terms (although if you are woo! talk to me) Veganism/Vegetarianism is a prevalent attitude in punk communities along with so is DIY in any form along with anti-corporate, anti-state oppression, far-left politics, along with good ethics (ie feminism(gender equality) anti racism anti hate pro community etc.) I can imagine that you at Tek Syndicate and also members of the forum might consider them selves Punk with all the things you discuss. Talk political views to me kind people of Tek Syndicate!?

Much Love


Labels can be usefull but I don't feel the need to use one in this particular case. Probably because I don't think my views and opinions are integral part of who I am. Sure I find some beliefs adequate and I prefer certain things to others but it all evolves and changes over time - as it should. The minute you decide that you're a Punk (or metalhead or democrat or republican and so on) and you're "done", you're effectively caging your mind and impairing your abillity to communicate with others and evolve as a human being (in most cases at least). I mean it's obviously fine to prefer certain aesthetic and there's nothing wrong with being a punk as long as you have blue polo shirt, John Mayer and open mind in your range:)

Oh and when it comes to opinions... I am sure there are clear tendencies among TekSyndicate members and Logan/Wendell/Qain/Pistol attract certain kind of people but I would assume that fairly large part of the comunity is here for the tech stuff. If you want the case study then let's see... I am vegetarian, I like tek, I feel like corporations have way to much power and state is in fact oppressing people. I am not sure what good ethics are but I am a fan of Kant's categorical imperative (its first formulation sounds kinda like second socond part of commandment of love and I like that one too) and because of that I can't be against gender equality, gay marriage etc. I like black clothes and guitar music (thou I listen to everything from folk/indie/pop through rock/blues/jazz to electronic stuff) but I don't consider myself Punk and I doubt many people would define me as one:)

Thanks for the reply! I think you've raised some interesting points especially with regards to labels. I think you are right that once you've labelled yourself its pretty likely game over and you'll never consider anything else. I personally like not necessarily the label but certainly the community. I think the community is certainly very music driven but these values are predominant in its members. I like its all inclusiveness, its doesn't limit age sex sexuality music preference (i know of many folk or indie bands etc. that would call themselves punks). Having said that obviously its a community that isnt going to welcome racists sexists xenophobes or fascists. 

I feel like im going on a little and maybe my thinking has developed much at all. I think more recently ive liked to identify myself as a punk less because of the music and more because of the morals/values opinions it promotes and that these values seem to be present in a lot the the stuff people talk about here. it cool to see who might consider themselves punk or not. Thanks for contributing.

Ps sorry if im just repeating myself

i listen to punk rock and like a lot of the politics you mention, but don't define myself as a Punk. not a particularly tribal person and i wear a suit everyday.

punk rock till the day I die

Interesting that you say you wear a suit everyday. Its not something I ever imagine myself doing,but realistically its almost inevitable. Favourite bands?


Ah cool im a real massive fan of bands like Fugazi Drive like Jehu Rites of Spring Slint and more recently bands like iceage holograms and Big Ups http://www.stereogum.com/1709165/big-ups-rash/mp3s/

what do you listen to most of?

I like The Ramones a lot even though they're way before my time. They're my favourite punk band. I also listen to a lot of rock/alternative in general so everything from Incubus, Oasis and Bush to The Strokes, The Clash and The Red Hot Chilli Peppers.

The interesting thing about being a "suit" is that if you express an opinion that is a bit radical you aren't dismissed so easily by other suits. They'll usually disagree, but they'll have to deal with it mentally as a real idea.