Hey guys I am in a public speech course and I am supposed to make a speech over why we should hide our data and how to hide out data. Have any suggestions?
Also is there any open source tools I could use to demonstrate that I can take unanimous data and link it back to known users?
Think about how those people react to the man recording.
Now think about how those people react normally.
The masses do the give a crap that they have their data stored for corporate and government use.
So think about how you should convey the importance about privacy and anonymity to sheep. Demonstration may not emphasize the point if they don't understand how the data is used. Otherwise create a fake wifi with the same SSID as a nearby AP, pass the data through and sniff the packets.
Grow a crazy beard now, so in 10 yrs when you have to go incognito mode IRL you can shave it and have 48 hours when the face detectors won't know who your are.