PSU trouble?

Hi all, I'm new to PC. I built my first PC with a mate about 4 weeks ago, since then all has been well and i have enjoyed PC is a gaming platform much more than i liked xbox previously. Anyway all has been smooth, Untill today my Corsair VS 650w PSU started making a ticking noise i thought it was the fan and so i restarted it twice to no prevail. I then thought i would switch off psu and unplug it and get the vacuum cleaner and give the fan(which is facing down in the case w/ no filters) a clean, I then plugged PSU cable back in and switched it on. When i booted up the computer i was displayed with a blue screen saying something along the lines of "Windows has encountered a error, shutting down to prevent damage" It then takes me to a black screen with white writting with a title saying windows error, under that i have two options: 1.Repair and 2. start windows normally. Repair which i have tried does nothing and sais it will restore to a previous point where windows was working once it does that it restarts and im still presented with this windows error screen, Pressing "start windows normally also does not do much apart from give me the same blue screen and restart bringing me to the black windows error page. 

If anyone has clue as to what could be causing this would be much appreciated

My specs are as follows(if they help anymore):

AMD FX 8320

EVGA GeForce GTX 460

Corsair VS 650w

Coolermaster 212 EVO(CPU cooler)

Gigabyte 970-A-D3P

Corsair Vegeance 4gb RAM

Not the best system i know. Again any ideas would be much appreciated Thanks

Is the PSU new or second hand ?

Did you try the PSU on a different system to see if it works ?

Have you tried actually reinstalling the OS ?

PSU is new and I don't have another system to try the PSU on and I have not tried reinstalling OS. I'm thinking of taking it into a PC store to get it looked at tomorrow?

What I did when a similar thing happened to my comouter was I put the windows os cd and then go through it till you find a "repair my computer" option. May help you. If it doesnt try reinstalling windows. 

Well, the vacuum cleaner builds up static electricity when in use like that. You very easily could have shorted some part of your PSU, blown something, but not entirely. I recommend using another PSU to test the rig, first, to see if the problem is elsewhere.

That PSU could have degraded other components, as well.

  • I've tried the "repair my computer" and it didn't work, ATM I'm trying restoring from different point and so far none are working. Startup repair said  "startup repair has tried several times but still cannot determine the cause of the problem." I cannot restore my OS currently as it was a cracked version ( I know its bad) I was planning to get official OS at some point, I'm wondering if now I should?

I would do that but I don't have a spare psu to try my rig on, I was Thinking of taking my computer to a pc store to get it looked at tomorrow? Until then I can give you some photos of the blue and black screens that are giving me these error codes when I try to bootup my computer

Update: im going to try reinstalling windows tomorrow, I'll post here with what happens. Oh and thanks for all the tips and knowledge guys :)

Re-Installed windows and all is working(for now), Thanks for all the help guys :)