I had a rather interesting and annoying discussion with someone over at Tek Syndicate Youtube chat. Who claims to be a regular at this forum, and even claiming to have spoken to Logan himself.. And he made a bold claim that computer power supply units are most efficient at 100% load. When pretty much all the manufacturers, tech sites and 80 plus certification says they are most efficient at 50% load.
Here is a link to the very long and drawn out discussion.
If anyone can backup his claims with some actual proof, then go ahead.
EDIT: I also created a strawpoll where you can vote on what you belive a PSU is most energy efficient at. http://strawpoll.me/5252207
Most good manufacturers will show you a graph of the efficiency, so have anyone arguing against you have a look at those graphs. Or any review site that uses efficiency meters. They'll all show more or less the same results.
Well, his claim is that all the manufacturers are lying. Just to sell more expensive higher wattage PSUs.. And that review sites are all corporate shills payed by the manufacturers to lie.. Obviously i told him he is spouting bullshit, and that he hasn't shown a shred of evidence to prove otherwise.
Yeah, i know he is wrong and a conspiracy nut. And called him out on it. Made the thread here to link to him, to prove just how massively wrong he is. As he is just spewing loads of misinformation.