I have these two power supplies I ordered, both state they are for the same server (Dell Poweredge T320). I noticed some slight differences in manufacture, then I noticed diffrent part numbers. The sizes, ratings and connections are all the same. Though, because they are in a dual redundant PSU system will this cause a issue? I have a few days to return it and possibly get a replacement before the server gets here. Here is the image side by side. Any help is appreciated.
Likely a revision, that ended up using a different mfr, addressing a short schedule window
Dell would have had to vouch them, for such part melding, to truly be interchangeable bits
Were they individually tested, with your server? As long everything matches, I wouldn’t worry
Ok, figured it was fine and part numbers match minus revision. I am waiting on the machine. Getting it in pieces to same some $. I just wanted to check while I’m waiting to see if I should send it back and get a new one before chassis shows up. Thank you.
they are made to the same spec? same output voltage range?.
they are both platinum so should have comparable ripple characteristics.
and has all the connectors you need…
then your good.
assuming dell’s Qc is consistent. which they generally are.
I’m hoping they should be fine, just hoping there isn’t a major change between generations if that’s why I’m seeing diffrent version numbers. Both show as compatable with the t320 I ordered…I really hope to see it next week maybe Tuesday or Wednesday if I’m lucky.
Connector same, power spec same, form factor compatible = you’re good to go.
Dell outsource their manufacturing; as above this may be a revision or simply from a different supplier.
Put it this way: your desktop pc would be fine with anything from Corsair, thermaltake, etc from say 800-1200 watts or higher. Servers aren’t some magical box with super sensitive requirements - minor differences won’t matter so long as required spec is met or exceeded.
I wish that was true… I’ve had problems with other (non-Dell) hotswap PSUs where the model number has to end in a “b” to work. The exact same long model number without the b doesn’t work right, and usually causes the server to power-cycle when plugged-in. Exact same specs, almost exactly the same model number.
Not to say there’s anything wrong with OP’s PSUs. They’re likely both perfectly fine and will work without problems… but hot-swap PSUs are just not that simple.
I know it “shouldn’t” make that much of a difference as @thro said, BUT I know servers have monitors built in to measure voltages, draws, temp and operational status so I wasn’t sure if that part might cause a issue was all. Thought it may affect the fail-over or monitors in some way, but I do get your point.
The only identifiers I see different are the “REF NO.” Part numbers etc all look very similar.