So I'm playing CoD4 with my clan mates, speaking to them on Vent and my PC locks up. I think nothing of it and reboot and start playing again. I play for maybe 20 minutes and I'm camping a corner, editing my CoD config, and next thing I know I hear a loud pop and both of my monitors say no signal. I bend down to turn my PC back on and nothing happens. :( I go ape on the power button for a bit and get nothing but a sadness stricken upon me. I'm sitting there praying my PSU didn't just take all my components with it. Next I disassemble my PC and do the good ole' paperclip hotwiring of my PSU and get nothing. Now I'll be out of a rig until Wednesday or Thursday. I plan on ordering a 500W Antec Basiq in the morning as I can get it for $40 shipped from Newegg and it is a quality unit. Sorry to rant. Oh yeah, almost got killed today but I'll save that story for later as this is a lot of typing for me to do on my iPod Touch. Sucks I have to spend $40 on a power supply when I was going to order my Cyber Snipa Sonar's today :(
what psu were u using before? sounds like one of your rails blew. o.0
oh that sucks dude, did you at least get a life time period out of it? and did it take anything else out? or you need the new PSU to find out.
no but that sucks ass, Definitely get a quality power supply. I bought a cheapo no name and it worked for maybe... a week, before it blew so yeah
God is angry
Outcome: Dead PSU
It was a 400W xPower. It was cheap, but damn good spec wise. I got two good years out of it, I just hope it didn't take anything else with it. I had an old M-ATX PSU I hooked up and my processor and video fans spun, so that is a bit of good news. I guess I'll find out for sure once I get my new one.
BTW, iPod Touches are FTW, Internet in my pocket FTW.
AND IM BACK! Got a new PSU at the computer store :D
Well, what is it? is your system up and runnin?
i think that what he ment by he's back, good to hear none of your hardware was takin out
Yea, my systems up and running, just as good as ever :D