Basically i am going to run a 295x2 with i7 4770k and a water cpu cooler etc. now i realllyyy don't want to have to pay 100 pounds extra but i went on a wattage calculator and it will draw 870 watts so will i need more than a 1000w Psu and if so what is the best over 1000w?
I believe that the power supply needs 50A on the 12V rail.
This should be just fine, if not a bit overkill.
I'd personally go with 850w just to be on the safe side. 750 should be enough to handle it though.
Always go a little bit over just in case.
750W should work, with 850W you will be on the safe side. Just make sure that the PSU you're buying can provide enough amps on the +12V rails. For a single rail design you should be able to plug it in normally, with a multi rails design you are supposed to use one 8 pin connector from the first GPU cable and the other 8 pin connector from the second one, if I remember correctly. It's like plugging in 2 GPUs because this card will need more power than your average PSU can provide on a single rail.
I suggest getting a 850W power supply, just to be on the safe side. If you are looking for specific models:
- EVGA Supernova G2 850W (based on the Super Flower Leadex platform, sold in the US)
- Super Flower Leadex Gold 850W (you won't find it in the US)
- Antec High Current Pro 850 (from Delta, outstanding PSU OEM, might be a bit more expensive)
- Seasonic X-850
- Cooler Master V850 (based on the X-850 platform but with a better fan)
- Corsair AX860i (based on a platform from Flextronics, enterprise grade OEM).
Stay away from the Corsair RM series, they use relatively cheap components (compared to the competition) and they are too expensive for what they offer (again, compared to the competition).
If you have the money for a Radeon R9 295x2 please don't skimp on the PSU.
Watch this review,, towards the back end you can see for yourself how much the 295x2 pulls.
I assume that if your budget can cater for such an uber card you can afford a kickass high end psu. I personally wouldnt go less than a quality 850w, so there is decent headroom available.
so an 850w would do? I have never really bothered much with psu's but im so scared for this high end rig so i want it to be perfect! and for 450 Pounds here in the UK i dont think ill be getting the 1500i !;)
A quality 850w will work perfectly fine.
Relatively inexpensive, and 80+G.