I'm going to be flat about it. I want one. Though the price is a bit hefty I would pay a good $150 for it if I could sell my current PSP for a hundred. Primarily being a PC gamer downloadable games seem like a necessitate to me. I love the new look, the quality looks improved, and I could finally take it in my pocket. So I'm looking to sell my current PSP with my UMDs and such in the coming months. Anyone else think they'll go for the Go?

Voted yes,

I'm going to get one. I dont own any of the other PSP's so the choice is a bit easyer, concerning the UMD thing. PSP Go also offers the 16gb flash drive. It doesnt support UMD, so it must have that amount of space, but I am going to use it as my next portable media player. It'l fit a couple of thousand songs while having high quality games on it and maybe even 1 or 2 movies. Only thing I dislike is that the screen is smaller... I would say removing the controls on the sides and putting them on the slider should already shave of around three quarters of an inch on each side... why make the screen smaller... But still its a better choice over the PSP-3000, since I have never owned one. Only hope that the payment method for buying games isnt only going to be with a Credit Card since we dont own one in my household...

I voted yes, but only if you dont allready have an old psp.

Must get mine out again, I have the original version lol

definitely no for me
i hate downlodable games
I like having physical copies of games to collect the box and keep the art work on my self
what about all my current psp games? how do i get to play them?

If there is a way they let me download my current psp games on a psp go then i will be first in line to buy one but for now
I am sticking to my psp 1000 (yes the original phat ftw)

Voted yes, I want one. But I don't think I'll have the money for it anytime soon.. Buying ps3

not sure, im gona w8 for some more info and game lists, im not going out of my way to get it at least, i havent had a handheld system for a while and was battling between the dsi and 3000, then this was announced =P

Yes because the Games for download will cost less then UMD ones but my DISSIDIA LIMITED EDITION PSP 3000 is awesome to.

homebrew? Fuck that I'll keep my PSP-1000, ceramic white from Japan.

i change my mind i go with yes
They said that they have a way to let you put your umd games on a didgital psp go
how i dunno?

If UMD's have like registering codes so that Sony or some community of them know what game you have you might get a code from them so that you can fill that one in and get the game digitally?

I voted no because i had a psp slim and lite and to me it wasnt really as good to play as a console or pc i liked it if i was traveling or away from home for some reason but in reality it just didnt do it for me ae

i'm have voted no bcuz it doesn't look k with me, and it's kind a expensive. but luv the improvements in the new PSP. bluetooth and in build memory.

I do have a PSP-1000 somewhere in my room and i used to use it a lot for music before my new music phone with twice the memory.

but now with that 16 gigs of flash memory on the Psp Go it makes me reconsider.

If gamestop or wherever gave me a good trade in deal (like they did with DSI deal they had going) and gave me ~$100 credit and all my games for like 30 bucks id be very inclinded to get one.
but as of now i would pay 150 for it but not 250.