As I am sure many of you are looking forward to the watch dogs release as am I and was surprised when it was leaked through torrents for multiple platforms. The majority of them in fact. However what has come to light over the last 24 hours is as usual the torrent has a nasty application included. This time it is a Bitcoin Miner.
Just a warning unless you want to risk your own wallet and potentially burn out your system while mining bitcoins for the user who leaked this torrent, I would recommend not installing the pirated version of the game. Even if you plan to buy the game or have pre ordered.
If you have installed the Pirated Game and wish to remove the Miner, The location as stated in the 4Chan post. Check your AppData\Roaming\OaPja\ Folder for 2 .exe's "winlogin.exe" and "ltc.exe". Permonitly delete them and then restart your system. Follow that by a scan with an anti virus software to make sure your system is clean.
Too the people who are waiting. Good on you! Ill be waiting for the discounts that come out within the first month of release.
Why would any of us want to pirate a game? Especially when we conveniently have steam and multiple website offering great deals on games. I suppose this news is good to know that crap like this is out there to protect ourselves.
the people who leak this shit are scumbags, shit like this needs to be kept hush hush for as long as possible, it would be a wonderful experiment to see how long it lasts and what percentage of the users find out that something is wrong
As a Linux and former Mac OS X user, I pirate games that will run in Wine that will never be ported.
If the company couldn't be bothered to support multiple OSs. With consoles I could understand it, they used to have custom hardware with exotic CPUs, but that changed with the Xbox, which was all off the shelf kit under the hood.
If you're dumb enough to download from someone that isnt a trusted uploader (Clearly marked on TPB) Then you deserve it.
I purchased the game, but wanted to play it early. I downloaded from a trusted user, and nothing strange happened. No weird files, no extra processes. I did get the Uplay virus though. (Uplay needed to be installed to play the game, ew.)
It's kinda good that this happens from time to time. People need to learn to be careful when they're doing shady things, and most won't learn any other way than the hard way. :-P
Ah, I keep forgetting piracy is an effect from a distribution problem. Would wine be affected by this sort of thing, or would that be determined by the one who originally implanted the coin mining software?