PS4 Slow speeds compared to my PC


my ps4 is having speeds for upload 1-5 Mbps (goes back and forth) and my download is 20 Mbps. My network is originally suppose to be 60 download and 40 upload. I get voice lag when I talk to friends and get terrible lag when I play games like destiny. Lag that makes it seem like my controller is possessed :) But, if you guys have any recommendations I would like to hear them because I been trying almost everything I can think of. I am a layman when it comes to network even though I know some basic stuff I picked up from computer courses from college. 

You wired through Ethernet on  your PC or PS4 or wireless on either?

Well your PS4 has to download from the Play Station servers and if that 1-5Mbps is based upon a game download then that must imply that that is the limit to Sony's servers, or you're downloading from them at a busy time on their behalf.


Also is is MBps or Mbps?

Well I can tell you is I have heard that the new firmware 2.0 that just came out and is buggy as hell. I know it has been causing all kinds of issues. Even those with network. All I can tell you it that they know about it and are working to release a fix ASAP. Also don't put it in sleep mode.

As the download speed goes. If your on say wireless and using a old G router about 20Mbps is all you can expect. Also if your just wondering because you downloads take a long time. Well that's just PSN. There is only one server site for the game downloads in north America. And of course there only hooked up to one tier one provider. So you are trying to download games on the same line as everyone else in US,Canada,Mexico. If its busy its slow. 

This is unlike steam that has many server sites across the U.S. Each site contains the entire steam library. The only time steam could be slow is for a short moment when something new is added. In that case the same thing would happen because everyone is trying to hit the same spot. Never happens anyway. Games are most of the time added days before release. And when something is added it could just be few minutes before the other sites are updated.

  As for online gaming. I remember hearing a while back that they where adding more sites to help growing number of PS4 sales. I think Sony was caught of guard by how many systems they sold by now.

But I think most of it was the really buggy update.

Wired, no other way for me


Way it was happening to me before the update 2.0 and 2.1 that came out a day ago

it is constant not just random by the way. I could be on at 1 in the morning or on in the afternoon and would get the same results