I'm planning to buy a new monitor either a 144hz 1080p monitor or 60hz 1440p monitor. Still not sure. Anyway, if i hook up my ps3 to a 1440p monitor would there be any disadvantages over a 1080p panel? Such as input lag, black side bars, noticable quality reduction, no support for certain ps3 features etc. Anything that would make a 1080p panel better for console gaming. Also if anyone can help me out with my decision of chosing one of these two monitors: https://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-monitor-pb278q vs. https://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-monitor-vg248qe . Im planing on getting a gtx 980 or 970 if i cant afford it.
Everything you mentioned above could be a potential issue with a PS3 on a 1440p display. They probably wont play well together.
The 1440p monitor is going to be the better display, if you GPU can handle it. A 970 or a 980 should be fine. Although be weary of the 970 memory bug. It is an IPS display so you will have great colors and 5ms is perfectly fine for gaming.
The 1080p monitor is most likely a TN panel due to the 1ms response time and 144Hz. It would be good for FPS games but the colors wont be great and the viewing angle will be narrow.
If 1440p is out of your budget try looking for an IPS 1080p monitor. I think you would be much happier with it over the TN panel.
I'm not sure if there would be any benefit. I highly doubt that a PS3 would push 1440p. It would probably just be some sort of upscaling option on the monitor.
So, assuming that your PS3 game runs at 720p and it gets upscaled to 1440p correctly, it should look like native 720p since its four times that, maybe. Upscaling from 1080p could make it look worse than native 1080p. I really don't know if the PS3 upscales stuff to 1080p by itself or not. I could just be talking nonsense here. My guess would be that there isn't really a great difference in graphics anyway, it's a PS3 after all.