We all love Proxmox, right? …right?? … RIGHT…? Real talk – Proxmox VE 6.3 with Kernel 5.4 is pretty ancient for a kernel version. It is, and it isn’t, at the same time. (Some) Drivers and fixes from newer kernels have been backported, and this is the way it’s always been since the early days of Debian.
The problem? Well, when you’ve got newer hardware that Kernel 5.4 might not like. Newer Epyc? Yeah, problems about. Even basic computer hygene like properly-operating CPU Turbo is problematic.
Enter Kernel 5.10 / 5.11 with the Proxmox/PVE Patches:
The idea with this repo is the kind soul has done the hard work for you, and makes it to where you can just install this kernel.
Out of the box, however, Proxmox is using systemd to boot. You might think all you need to do is
pve-efiboot-tool refresh
once you install one of those kernels. Nope! You have to manually add the new kernel THEN you can refresh.
Another quirk I noticed, which is not fatal because of the way pve-efiboot-tool works, but is none-the-less annoying, is that /boot/efi is NOT mounted by default on ZFS root systems with proxmox. So be aware of that if you’re troubleshooting. Don’t be like me and spend about 20 minutes rebooting over and over again trying to figure out why the EFI wasn’t seeing changes to the EFI config in the efi/EFI folder (hint, that’s on zfs, stupid, not The Actual EFI Partition. Who did this? This is terrible.)
ls /boot
# see kernel 5.11.0-2 in there! okay
pve-efiboot-tool kernel add 5.11.0-2
pve-efiboot-tool refresh
And that should be all you need to do to get up and running with a modern kernel, for modern hardware, on proxmox. BTW: Don’t bother trying to get commercial support for this, you mad lad.
ps. Don’t forget to update your apparmor config for 5.11 because it won’t work for sure. Details in the github