This is a little bit of a cross over between software and hardware.
Currently I have a Ryzen 2700x on an Asus Crosshair Hero Vii running ESXI. The issues I have run into all relate to driver issues with ESXI and consumer hardware. Mostly that onboard sata is not recognized and my 10g nic.
Because of this I thought about moving to Proxmox as it seems like it will handle consumer hardware a little better, but again I am having nothing but driver issues with it as well. So far I have not been able to get the onboard sata to show in the installer but I got a Startech PEXSAT32 to work in the installer but I can’t boot from it. I picked up a Megaraid 9260-8i but I think it might be dead as I can’t get Ubuntu, Proxmox or ESXI to pick it up and it seems to cause the POST to take forever.
So right now my main question is has anyone been able to get the onboard sata to work, or should I look at maybe moving over to threadripper and if I do make that switch has anyone had luck getting the onboard sata to work on a specific x399 board.