
Wo's buying it looks awesome to me.

i bought it...

for a friend lol

It looks ok, but if you have a PS3 its worth getting InFamous rather than Prototype. There's more choice in InFamous because of the karma system, whereas in prototype you're evil no choice about it. It's still a good game but if it was me i'd get infamous first (provided you have a PS3, otherwise there is no other choice)

Kinda just looks like a pimped out hulk game to me

I think it looks pretty sweet. If I had money, I'd buy it haha.

It's basically Hulk : Ultimate Destruction but cooler. I'm torrenting it now, will buy if I enjoy it ofcourse.

Got some good reviews, gonna download it and try it.. If it's good, i'll buy it for the ps3

A game like that just doesnt appeal to me at all, to me it looks like some kid with add got into the redbull stash and started raving on about a guy with funny arms and they decided to makea game about it, but hey thats just my opinion.

But in all honisty looks ok i wouldnt buy it though i would kind of like to play it just to see waht its like.

it seems like the game I am going to regret dropping $50 on
but I havent bought a game In a while...
I am getting it this weekend I wanna play it
I heard its pretty good but is it $50 good
probably not

Ok been looking a bit around now..
The 50 bucks is going to FUEL.. not this : 3
FUEL looks so damn perfect

I just beat it, best 10+ hours spent on a game in my life, and I still have a lot more challenges to complete.

The game is really fun, if you can manage to get it bug free on PC. If you have a console, it's better to buy it for that instead. The PC version is very broken for a lot of people.

i was going to buy it until rice told me its not that great
so i thought i'd torrent it first
if its good guna buy it if its crappy i'll keep the torrent version

it will get old fast. but for a while its fun, id just rent it for a console if you have one.

Looks fun, but in my personal experience games like that get old after awhile. Then again most games get old after awhile.