Hey guys,
I'm making a career switch into IT and was wondering if anyone had a noobie project I could work on to get used to Linux (specifically CentOS). I plan to use Virtual Box to run CentOS and I was thinking about CentOS sever since that will be more likely something I should learn.
I've searched for a while over the internet and haven't been able to find any projects that would help me learn my way around, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
I find myself in a similar situation so I am just messing around with a couple of things. The thing about IT is that there are so many different areas that you could choose a project in.
Setting up a website platfrom by running your own LAMP server (you can do it locally).
Creating scripts for automating processes on your machine.
Setting up a mini network using a couple of routers.
Setting up a VPN on your machine.
Most of the stuff you can set up without requiring any or little hardware/cash.
Or you could get into programming and there are a whole host of projects on that side of the IT world.
Anything there particularly interesting? Is that too basic and you're looking for more of a challenge?
Can you give more info into what type of things you'd like to do?
Setting up Railo, WildFly, Redmine, Nginx, and Liferay would be a start, and probably keep you busy for a while :)
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@mickeyslippeyfingers Basic is good for me right now. I'm still finishing up my current job until June, so I really don't have a whole lot of time to be able to mess around with stuff. Thanks for the suggestions though, a mini network sounds fun. I'm really interested in hardware, but recently networking has peaked an interest with me since it's an area I don't know much about.
@thirdmortal Awesome. I'll take a look at what those are and try them out haha.
Thanks guys!
Basic stuff for noobs:
Set up httpd with mysql for wordpress.
have httpd listen on *:80
create multiple wordpress sites on same ip; and different names.
create remote user for mysql for ip and force everything else to connect through localhost.
create few sites like that... basic wordpress crap (wordpress cause its easy, and fast)
then when you feel comfortable without gui; start playing with different stuff.
MongoDB & mongodb replication/clusters is very nice know-how
Nginx -- not much help and all for this, but i hear its amazing for what its worth.
PostgreSQL -- i had occasion on learning basic stuff about it today, appears its far better than mysql for some projects like Stash, Jira.
Create, configure, manage network interfaces
Create basic bash script, and use contab -e to schedule it. ex. for backups (bash script to tar them up.
Install gitlab and gitlabci, git is simply one of the best repo's out there.
Thanks man! I'll add all this to the list.