Hey, I want to start learning/teaching myself how to code and program but I don't even know where to start.
Like everyone else today I get some app ideas, some website ideas and stuff but don't know how to even go about trying to make somthing like that.
So I'm looking for advice,links,videos anything! To help me learn to code
Keep in mind I have never, ever tried to code (beside some scratch stuff from like 2-3 years ago)
Also I know that there are diffrent languges like Java and stuff so what is the best and easyest to learn and use, also what programs are there I could use ? (free...)
www.thenewboston.com, it's up to you to decide what you wish to do. Do you want to make websites, web applications, desktop applications or smartphone OS application (called apps). Google can tell you for which system which language is required, but I recommend to pass as much courses as possible (all's free of charge on the site).
There's also YouTube with tons of other educational resources from different enthusiasts about education
There's also codeacademy.com which provides with an awesome interactive way to learn how to code.
codecademy.com is a good place to start, very simple and teaches you the basic understanding of your programming language of choice to a point where you can start learning on your own