Hey all, not too long ago we had a few threads going related to decent web coding resources. I figured there are some of us out there who may want suggestions for decent tutorials, books, etc related to a wider variety of languages.
Hardware, boolean logic, assembly, and operating systems: Elements of Computing Systems (comes with various emulators for you to get your hands dirty.)
C, Python, Ruby, Command Line Shell Scripting, Regular Expressions (Regex), and SQL: Learn Code The Hard Way (all available for free in html format. The 'C' book had perhaps the most concise and understandable description of pointers I've come across).
Pretty much anything web-related, including server-side stuff: W3Schools
Also, a personal interjection/advice to those of you just starting out: avoid IDE's (netbeans, eclipse, etc) if you can, try to do as much as possible in a text editor (Notepad++, gedit, etc).
for c / c++ programming, i suggest getting code::blocks with minGW if you do, the only part that might be confusing is the first time you start it up, it will ask to choose the defult compiler. make SURE you click mingw and press set as defult.
Dreamincode.net is a good place to start. There are tons of YouTube videos as well. I also have begun my own c++ and HTML tutorials on my blog and as videos. Hackersgalley.com. or YouTube.com/user/hackersgalley