Programming project

I write quite a bit of code at my job. However, since its on the job, I can't host it on my personal Git Hub. However, I want to build up MY code base. So, I'm making a project.

My thought was to build a twitter bot which scan various twitters for Linux news. Any thought? Anyone do something like this before?

I really can't think of any other thing I can build at the time.

If anyone has other ideas please share. I'm writing it in perl, btw.

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I'd personally make some automation stuff for computers, but thats my thing I guess :P

That'd be a cool thing. Maybe have it dig through lots of accounts and not just the big ones? Have it output to a txt on the desktop in a format postable to the forums? :P

In grad school, I wrote a system which aggregated sports news via their API and performed sentiment analysis which would then place bets on betfair and other venues before certain news would be reflected in the spreads. It was great, this is how I ultimately paid for grad school. However this was in the early days, last time I checked their firehose API is something like $1mio annually now.

Recently I started doing something similar for fun but with predictit and not twitter, rather the vendors for political data (e.g. gallup). It's definitely still super inefficient.

I'd like to do something similar but in Python... :)

You could just ask your company if they would allow you to create a private repo on something like bitbucket, done it with most of the companies I have worked at and most of the time they have no problem with u keeping (normally it's only a problem when ur doing something special to that company) code (or at least code chunks normally never less than whole functions). Aslong as it's generic code I haven't had a problem yet, but then I also let them know that It won't be released in full ever and is normally just modules to larger programs, aslong as it's just your code you will be fine.