I am a beginner programmer, I am learning Python 3 as my first language. I am hoping to start developing applications for mobile platforms when I learn enough skills as a programmer. Is Python a good language to learn for this purpose? Should I switch to something else soon if its not? What are your thoughts Wendell, Logan?
Java Java Java. Android development is essentially all Java.
Python is a good first language to learn. Then C. Then C++ or Java.
This and Objective C if you are more interested in ios.
Hi, I have been searching around and from my own experience python is one of the best first time languages. As a mobile phone game developer I would recommend objective C for iOS devices, and java for android. unity is a good program to start developing in, it supports the following coding languages, JavaScript, C# and Boo. You can develop PC, Mac, console and mobile games within unity.
Java is good to get you into Android development as a lot of people have said here. As far as I remember, it's a mobile version so not all libraries are the same (some are limited). BlackBerry 10 uses C++ and the Qt framework, if you are interested.