Hey Guys, I had a question for all of you about what code language would be the best to learn for a beginner programmer. I'd eventually like to be able to assist in the developing of games, and I just dont really know what language to start with.
Well, if you started awhile back, DOS really is the starter language. I'm not saying you're wrong but most people just dive into C++ or Java, tho often do start with HTML/JavaScript since they're simple.
I would recommend learning DOS personally, because most languages are formed on the language, C++ is a good second language or even first if you're feeling daring. C++ is pretty much a must, but not really at the same time. Programmers who know C++ are generally the ones who understand at the lower levels of things and can make the more complex programs. Tho not all programmers are like that.
C++ is an extension to C++ that has added so much functionality, but still has a lot of the functions from C available. Over the years, however, it has become so feature-rich and much more modern than C, that the only reason to use C is if you are trying to make a simple OS and are too lazy to use ASM. C++ is its own language, but can be thought of as C V2.0.
C++ teaches you the C Context, which is a form of writing code. C Context is used throughout all C based languages. AKA Java, C++,C#,Objective C, and a few other odds and ends. C++ is another form of C but is generally regarded as a standard language itself because of the size. If you would like to learn more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B
C++ is the most annoying language I've ever dealt with. I can't believe the amount of times I've seen it recommended as a starter language. People need to learn programming concepts before actually programming. For anyone starting out, C++ wil merely frustrate them into giving up. Python teaches those with minimal code, so it's easier to grasp the concepts. Something like VB would be even better, or use a flowchart program like Raptor. C++ is probably one of the worst languages to learn how to program on.