
Is there anyone who knows of a free service to learn C/C++. I am 14 years old and want to learn how to program. I am intermediate with batch/cmd programming. I also want a good compiler for windows xp

Id prefer for it to be offline

What are you looking for? What do mean by "free services"? I'm kinda confused lol sorry.

offline free service? the library.

I'd assume he was asking for an alternative, but thats the best option. Pick out the language you want to learn and renew the book as many times possible, then recheck it out and repeat the process and until you're done. lol

Youtube for C++ tutorials, there are plenty:

Almost 20 years ago I learned C reading a 900 pages book. If i had back then the internet that we have today...



To be honest I would not jump right into C/C++ having only done batch scripting.  If your only programming experience is with simple scripting languages, C/C++ can be very daunting, even to the point of being discouraging.

I would start with Java or Python.  After you feel comfortable with either of those languages, then try and tackle C/C++. 

As others have said, your best bet for learning C/C++ is to use online tutorials.  You can watch videos or read any number of online tutorials.  This is much easier, more interactive, and will help your learn faster than using a book.

As far as Windows C/C++ compilers go, I would just download gcc for Windows. 

Link to download gcc for Windows:

something that cost no money