Problems setting up Cisco virl Gns3VM and Virtualbox

Hi everyone Shadowbane here with a new issue that needs fixing. I am having a lot of issues with setting up Gns3 2.2.5 and Virtualbox 6.1.2 so I can import Cisco Virl into Gns3VM. I followed the Video created by David Bomba.

The name of the video is GNS#, Virtualbox and Cisco IOS: Download, install and configure Cisco IOS with GNS3 and Virtualbox. The only difference between my computer David Bombal computer is I run Linux Mint and he runs Windows 10. I performed all the steps as outlined in David Bombal’s video. I check three times to make sure I have done all the steps. Now I get two different errors which I think are causing the issues that I am having. the errors are as follows.
  1.    The GNS3 VM (IP=, NETWORK= is not on the same network as the local server (IP=, NETWORK=, please make sure the local server binding is in the same network as the GNS3 VM.
  2.    Could not start Telnet console with command 'xterm -T "CiscoIOSv15.7(3)M3-1" -e "telnet 5000"': [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'xterm': 'xterm'

Now the first error comes up whenever I start up GNS3 Server. I tried to work around this error by using Virtualbox’s Host Network Manager and changed the default vboxnet0 interface from the IP address of to which is the start of the Network rage of my network. The only problem with setting it up that way is it cuts off the internet from my computer. The other error I don’t know what it is or how to fix it. If someone could help me fix my issues, or give a link to a very simple guide that outlines the same steps as David Bombal video only for Linux I would be very grateful. If you need more information, please ask I need to fix these issues so I can start studying for the CCNA exam.

I figured out why I was getting those two errors. The first one isn’t an error per se. It is a workaround I had to implement so I didn’t disable my host machine from accessing other computers on my network or the Internet. GNS3 doesn’t like the workaround hence the message from GNS3, but it still works as it should. The other error wasn’t an error, the issue was by default GNS3 use Putty (even the Linux version) as the default command console once I change the default console from Putty to Gnome Terminal, everything just works as it should.