Problems of not using an I/O shield

Hey guys, i've built my first PC for my 18th birthday I decided to go with Logans $400 dollar console killer as a start incase I messed anything up I wouldn't be to far down the rabbit hole.

Though i've ran into a couple of problems most of them my mistakes (besides the mobo bios being out of date and me needing to buy a new processor to update) i'm glad I've spent the money.

While building the machine I did not put in the I/O shield properly so I haven't been using it and have currently lost it

I've avoided vaping since i've gotten my pc , but i'm just wondering if I were to vape is it possible that would damage any of the parts?

And any of problems of not using a I/O shield. 

I don't think it'll be a problem. Considering how much the vapour disperses around the room. It'll just be like the air humidity is a little bit higher where you're vaping (and that's a tiny % higher). 

The I/O shield just keeps the dust out.

yep. dust.

it isnt realy a big issue, only dust might be.

BUt you dont need a io shield basicly.

its cool bro. vape away


Alright thanks guys

Maybe its my ocd, but it has always drove me absolutely bonkers when somebody builds a pc without the motherboard back plate. It looks ugly, and lazy. You have to remember that a pc cools with a level of static pressure with airflow to help heat escape the case. With a big gaping hole in the back its gunna mess up that pressure and it won't cool properly.

 What whats the original question? oh yeah vaping won't hurt $h*t in a pc.

I built a spare parts pc for a friend using an old am2+ motherboard from asrock and he lives in florida in the most humid conditions and he smokes in his room. I never could find I/O shield so it doesn't have one. It's still going strong after 2 months. You should be TOTALLY fine.

you could even screw a mobo on a piece of wood lol.