Problem with performance

Hello guys,

So i got a new PC:

CPU: AMD A106700

GPU: AMD Radeon HD 8470

2 TB Hard Drive

16 gigs of memory

So i feel nice bout it and got Assassins creed Black flag. So i start the game everything is fine, put everything on lowest cuz this is how i play games usualy ( being used to a bad PC) The thing is, the game is running in 15 FPS like a boss. I mean i dont expect it to run in 120 fps on untra but everything low and 15 FPS?!

So if anyone knows a possible reason for this problem i will be very very greatful. TY in advance

 PS: Excuse my English its not my native language.

reinstall drivers?  try a different game?  

Is that HD 8470 a discrete GPU card?  sounds like it's integrated on the CPU.  Don't expect much from it.  I'm not surprised by the performance.

The 8470D is in the A6 APUs I believe? 

What resolution are you playing at?

What speed is your RAM that is incredibly important with an APU

i play on 1280x720 and the speed is 1600 MHz