Hi, after I changed card from Nvidia GTX 1070 to AMD RX 6800 I have light bug in GTA 5, sometimes it’s black and also ground is sometimes black. This is the only problem, game runs very nice and smooth, also, this is the only game with any problem. I use Lutris (game from social club) to play. I tried different wine versions (I need to use lutris-5.7-11, because in lutris-6 game stutter when any key is pressed, known bug from what i searched), dxvk versions, game settings, mesa and also compiled myself mesa-git. My system is Arch Linux, but I also tried on clean installed Manjaro, so the problem is not about any things that might be left from Nvidia (like dxvk cache). I’m running out of ideas, can someone hint me what the problem might be? Or if this is a new bug, because it’s quite new GPU, then should I report it in wine or somewhere else?
Some one elase also had issues with the 6000 series with GTA V on Linux.
Could it be a new hardware older kernel problem? It can take a bit to get everything up to speed and working properly after new hardware releases.
I have kernel 5.10.7, so It shouldn’t be an issue. I guess I have to wait for fix then
last post by me here
i have a RX6800XT running in Windows, am playing GTA 5 without any errors, so it must be a thing that happens in the Linux drivers, the Windows drivers work pretty smooth (but again, I have the XT, not the 6800, so could also be that difference)
Just wanted to inform you about that, not that its helping or anything, was more information type of thing
Hope you get it solved